2024-2025 MANA Standing Committees

MANA's standing committees assist the board of directors and headquarters with programs and ideas to advance the organization's mission and goals. If you are interested in serving on one of the following committee's listed below, please complete the Committee Interest formHERE

MANA Committee Descriptions and Members 

MANA Bylaws specify three standing committees (Executive, Finance, and Nominating).  At a minimum, these committees must be appointed each year by the President.  Any additional committees serve at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, president-elect, vice president, and secretary/treasurer of the Association, and may exercise all the powers of the Board of Directors between meetings thereof as permitted by law. The president shall chair the Executive Committee and a majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee then in office shall be the act of the Executive Committee. 

Chair: Matthew Zinder, MS, CH, CRNA
Ken Radford, PhD, CRNA
Mary Scott-Herring, CRNA and Michelle Duell, CRNA

Communications/PR Committee

Chair: Carlyn Bonny, DNP, CRNA
Ming Li, DNP, CRNA


This committee has responsibility for assisting headquarters with the official website of the Association and member communication.



Chair: Toyin Orunja, CRNA
Danielle Boggio, CRNA
Alex Halstead, DNP, CRNA
Sarah Rollison, CRNA
Natasha Hopkins, DNP, CRNA
Mary Scott-Herring, CRNA

Darrell Freeman, MS, CRNA
Ming Li, DNP, CRNA


This committee is composed of members of the community of interest involved or interested in the education of students and in the continuing education of CRNAs.  The purpose of this committee is to promote nurse anesthesia education.  The committee prepares a complete program for the annual and regular meetings and arrange for programs for other meetings during the year.


Federal Political Director

Logan Forgey, DNP, CRNA

Works with MANA board and AANA government relations division on matters pertaining to pending legislation and regulations regarding the practice of nurse anesthesia in Maryland.


Chair: Veronica Amos, PhD, CRNA
Mary Scott-Herring, Treasurer, CRNA
Natasha Hopkins, DNP, CRNA

The finance committee shall be composed of the Secretary/Treasurer and two (2) active members, preferably past officers or former members of the Board. The committee shall counsel with the Executive Director on the annual budget of the Association and prepare a proposed annual budget for the submission to and approval by the Board of Directors. The committee may perform such other duties in connection with the finances of the Association as the Board may determine from time to time. service, making recommendations to the Board of Directors if a change is recommended. 


Government Relations (GRC)

Chair: Matthew Zinder, MS, CH, CRNA
Michelle Duell, CRNA
Mary Scott-Herring, CRNA
Chris Robel, CRNA
Chris Romanowski, CRNA
Shaun Seifert, CRNA
Veronica Amos, PhD, CRNA
Jacqueline Mitchell, UMB
John Bing, CRNA

This committee works with and under the direction of the MANA Board and the AANA Government Relations Committee in matters pertaining to pending legislation and regulations regarding the practice of nurse anesthesia.



Chair: Stephen Olomukoro, CRNA
Ernestine Kaloko, CRNA
Stephanie Boncich, MSN, CRNA

The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The committee shall consist of three (3) active members. The chairman shall be elected by the Committee from among its own members. A ballot shall be prepared by the committee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the MANA Annual meeting and this shall be presented to the Board for review and recommendations only. The ballot shall contain nominations for; President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, two (2) or three (3) Directors, in accordance with Article V, Section 3, A, 2. Elections shall be held by electronic ballot and be available to each active MANA member not less than three (3) weeks prior to the annual meeting.


Political Action (PAC)

Chair: Megan McAuliffe, DNP, MS, CRNA
Marilyn Evans, Treasurer
Cheryl Wilson


The duties of this committee include the collection of donations and the distribution of same to Maryland legislators and their political campaigns.  The Committee is also responsible for maintaining accurate records and making timely reports as necessary.  The committee consists of a chairperson and treasurer appointed by the President.



Chair: Ivana Mitic, Ms, CRNA
Kennett Radford, PhD, CRNA
Matthew Zinder, CRNA


State Peer Advisor

Chair: Jessica Switzman, CRNA

The Maryland Association of Nurse Anesthetists is dedicated to supporting the Wellness initiative of the AANA. Members call and/or email anytime for help with problems such as alcohol, drugs, stress, workplace issues such as sexual harassment, workplace violence, or anything affecting their ability to stay well.


Interested in Joining a Committee?

Complete the Committee Interest form HERE